It is February already and there are now less than four months until the end of the Golden Boot Game. We are already into the year of the snake as we slither our way through the final.sixteen weeks of this website. All you need to exchange your tokens for prizes is the email address that you used to play the Golden Boot Game. There is not that much time left to turn your tokens into something more useful. Remember that any tokens still outstanding on 31st May 2025 will be donated to a charity of our choosing. If you don’t use them, you will lose them.
Those teams that have just five prize tokens to exchange, Molineux Marauders, The Magic Magpies NCFC and We Are THE REDS, have a limited range of prize options. They can choose an Amazon vouchers(electronic) or a Love2shop voucher (paper). Obviously, if we have to send you a paper voucher we will need your mailing address.
The teams with ten prize tokens to exchange are: Forest Forever, Imperial Boozeboys, OneunitedfanTrev and The Molineux Marauders. These four teams have a much wider choice of vouchers to consider. As well as Amazon vouchers, they can get electronic Love2shop vouchers sent to their email address. There are also many more voucher options, both electronic and physical, including M&S vouchers, John Lewis vouchers and many more.
Both donnyvegasisback and Tels boot boys have enough prize tokens to opt for a Golden Boot Game commemorative t-shirt as well as the widest possible choice of vouchers. Any player can also donate some or all their remaining prize tokens to a charity of their choice.
Players can find out how many tokens they have by logging on to your team from the HOME page of our website.. To do this you will need the registered email address and password for your Golden Boot Game team. If you cannot remember your team’s password you will need to follow the Forgotten Password? link at the bottom of the Log In box. If you are having trouble logging on to your team you can contact us directly. Find out how on our Contact Us page.
Time marches on towards the end of the Golden Boot game and May. We will try to publish a weblog in March. We are aiming for it to be published on Tuesday 11th March 2025 or sometime later that week. It is now over four months since any prize tokens were exchanged. We are still checking that the website is working every month just in case one of the nine teams with prize tokens should decide to exchange them. I feel that we have now passed the point of diminishing returns and reached the point of no return. We will, though, keep going to the bitter end.
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