This is the first weblog of 2025. We would like to wish a very Happy New Year to all who are still reading this weblog. I hope that 2025 brings you all peace and prosperity. One thing it will bring is the end of the Golden Boot Game. It is now less than twenty weeks until the website disappears forever. Few people will miss it.
For the teams that still have prize tokens, the new year can definitely be a prosperous one. They just need to exchange their tokens for one of our prizes. All you need to exchange your tokens is the email address that you used to play the Golden Boot Game. There is not that much time left to turn your vouchers into tokens. Any tokens still outstanding on 31st May 2025 will be donated to a charity of our choosing. This is the year to use them or lose them.
The month of December saw no activity in the Golden Boot Game, For the third month in a row we had no tokens exchanged by any of the remaining teams. As a reminder, the teams who still have prize tokens to exchange are: donnyvegasisback, Forest Forever, Imperial Boozeboys, Molineux Marauders, OneunitedfanTrev, Tels boot boys, The Magic Magpies NCFC, The Molineux Marauders and We Are THE REDS.
Players can find out how many tokens they have by logging on to your team. To do this you will need your registered email address and your password. If you cannot remember your password you will need to follow the Forgotten Password? link at the bottom of the Log In box. If you are having trouble logging on to your team you can contact us directly. Find out how on our Contact Us page.
It is fair to say that, as the final days approach for the Golden Boot game, the Controllers will be exercising control in a much less rigorous manner than ever before. We will try to publish a weblog in February but while we say it will be published on Tuesday 11th February 2025, what we actually mean is that it will appear on our website sometime during that week. If someone exchanges some prize tokens this month, we may be motivated to get it done by the Tuesday deadline. I suspect that will not happen, though..
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