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Goal Den Hot Spot Games


At every point during the Golden Boot Game season a Hot Spot competition will run alongside the main competition. All of these games have a small prize for the winner. So, no matter what position your team is in the overall table, they will still have opportunities to win one of these prizes.

The Hot Spot games use the same strikers that you select for the corresponding Weeks of the Golden Boot game. This means we cannot change the hierarchy of strikers in any of the Hot Spot games. So, we could never award a prize for the most one point goals scored because players would need to decide whether to put the most likely scorer in the first or last position.
We can, however, base a Hot Spot game on the most 8 points goals scored because players would already be putting their most likely scorer in the first position.

We have two main methods of overcoming this restriction in Hot Spot Games. We can either treat all eight strikers equally as in the Total Goals Game or we can keep the same hierarchy but change the emphasis by varying the scoring from the 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 system used in the Golden Boot game, as in the Medals Table Game. Other Hot Spot games simply keep the same scoring as the Golden Boot Game, such as the traditional season finale, the Final Five Game.

By using Hot Spot games that have different rules we hope to spread the available prizes around a wider selection of teams and keep everyone in with a chance of winning a prize for as long as possible.

Some of the games explained below will be played at some point in each Golden Boot Game season. For details of which games will be played this season please see our Calendar page.

General Rules

Timings - Each Hot Spot game will run for a set number of consecutive game weeks. The period from the start to the end of a Hot Spot game is known as the term of that Hot Spot game. The terms of Hot Spot games can not overlap each other.

Tie Breaks - If at the end of the term of a Hot Spot game two or more teams are tied on the same score the tie break process will be used to determine which of the tied teams is the winner. For each tied team the scores for each game Week during the term of the Hot Spot game are ranked in order, best to worst. The best game Week for each team can be the same as the best game week for another team in the tie break, or not as the case may be.

The best game week for each of the tied teams is compared and any team that does not have the leading score drops out. If there is more than one team still remaining the second best game weeks are compared for the remaining tied teams and then the third best etc. until one team is the winner of the Hot Spot game. Should there still be a tie after all the weeks in the term have been compared, the team scoring the most goals during the term of the Hot Spot game will win. If this is also equal the number of 8-point goals will be compared, then, if necessary, the number of 7-point goals etc. until only one team remains as the winner of the Hot Spot game.

Rules for Each Hot Spot Game

The Bang Average Game

  1. For each game Weeks which makes up the term of this Hot Spot game, your team's score in the Golden Boot Game is divided by the average score for that game Week. This ratio, expressed as a percentage, is your team's score in the Bang Average Game.
  2. The individual Week scores are then added together to give your team's total score for the game.
  3. The team with the highest total score at the end of the term of the Hot Spot game will be the winner.

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The Medals Table Game

  1. Over the game Weeks which make up the term of this Hot Spot game every goal scored by one of your 8-point strikers wins the team a gold medal, every goal scored by one of the 7-point strikers wins a silver medal and every goal scored by one of the 6-point strikers wins a bronze medal.
  2. The medal table is oredered by most gold medals, teams with equal golds are then ordered by most silver medals and teams with equal golds and equal silvers are ordered by most bronze medals.
  3. The team at the top of the Medals Table at the end of the term of the Hot Spot game will be the winner.

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The Pairs Progress Game

  1. For this game your eight strikers are grouped into four pairs: strikers 1 & 2 make up pair A, strikers 3 & 4 make up pair B, strikers 5 & 6 makeup pair C and strikers 7 & 8 make up pair D.
  2. Each Week, every goal scored by pair D scores 1 point, all pair C goals score 3 points each, pair B goals all score 6 points each and every pair A goal scores ten points.
  3. The prize winning team is the one that scores most total points over the full term of the Pairs Progress game.

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The Quantum Accelerator Game

  1. For each of the six game weeks of this competition the total number of goals scored by your team will count towards your score.
  2. Each game week will have a multiplier (or Quantum) which will be used to determine your points for that game week. For Week 1 the multiplier is 1, for Week 2 it is 2 etc. until Week 6 when the multiplier is 6. So, each week your total goals times the multiplier will give your points for that week.
  3. The team with most total points at the end of the sixth game Week will win the prize.

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The Super Striker Game

  1. For each Week of the contest every one of the eight strikers in your team scores five points for their first goal that Week.
  2. Any striker who scores a second or subsequent goal during any Week adds a single point to their score. So a striker who gets a hat-trick scores 7 points (5 + 1 + 1).
  3. The team with most total points, after adding up all the scores of their strikers over all the Weeks in the term of the Super Striker game, wins the prize.

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The Total Goals Game

  1. Each game Week your team's score is equal to the total number of goals scored by your eight selected strikers
  2. The team with the most total goals over the full term of the Total Goals game will win the prize.

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The Final Five Game

  1. For the five Weeks of this competition, traditionally the final five weeks of the season, the scoring will be identical to the Golden Boot game scoring.
  2. All teams will start the competition on zero points and the team that scores the most points over the five weeeks of the competition will be the winner.
  3. Unlike in the Golden Boot game, in the event of two or more teams gaining the same number of points over the term of the game the team with the best scoring Week will be the winner.

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