Golden Boot Game Terms and Conditions
General Terms
- This is a UK based site for an UK based game. While you are welcome to play wherever in the world you are based, we must insist that all communication is conducted in English.
We will not conduct any correspondance in any language other than English.
- We reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions as we deem necessary from time to time. This may be because of errors or omissions in the content, the actions of third parties that affect our terms
or as a result of developments we undertake to the web site or the various games we run within it. The Controllers will decide in all cases if a player has breached the terms and conditions and
what, if any, sanction should be applied to that player. Penalties could include excluding the player from all our games and our web site in extreem cases.
- We reserve the right to vary the rules of all the games that can be played through our web site as we deem necessary. This includes withdrawing specific games and introducing new games whenever we wish.
Unless these changes are as a result of third party actions that we have no control over, we will contact all active players setting out the reasons for the changes and seeking feedback before we make
any rule changes. The Controllers will always have the final decision on the rules of all our games, any amendnents to the rules and how the rules, including amendments, are applied.
Use of the Site
- There are various forms on this site where you may enter data. Any player who enters any material which is considered to be obscene, racist, sexist or otherwise objectionable in any way
will be excluded from the game immediately. Any prizes or other benefits due will be forfeit.
- The controllers of the Golden Boot Game will decide, in their absolute discretion, whether content is considered objectionable. If a complaint is received from any party about content
entered by any player the controllers will decide whether to uphold the complaint and remove the material.
- For some minor breaches of etiquette the controllers reserve the right to amend material submitted to the site to remove profanity or wording that may cause offence.
We will always let you know by email when this happens outlining the reason for the change.
- Any player who is found to be wilfully breaking the rules of any game or manipulating the rules to their own advantage may be excluded from the game.
If an error or loophole in the website has allowed such an advantage this will be corrected and the player(s) gaining the advantage will have their scores adjusted as if the error had never been present.
Any prizes gained as a result of such an error will be awarded on the basis of the adjusted scores when the advantage has been removed.
- Players must register to play the game by entering a team name, a password for that team and an email address unique to that team before they can take part in the game.
- By registering a team, players agree to be bound by the rules of the Golden Boot Game and to adhere to these terms and conditions.
- Players may register more than one team as long as each team registered has a unique and valid email address.
- The email address for a team must be able to send and receive emails at all times during the game. All communication for a team will be conducted only through the registered email address for that team.
Facilities will be provided to change the registered email address for a team in case it becomes unusable for any reason.
An unusable email address must be changed to a valid one at the earliest opportunity. A team without a usable email address will be unable to win any prize and may be excluded from the competition.
- The password registered for a team is for verification purposes only. We do not operate a secure site so you should not use any password which you also use for secure sites
such as online banking, shopping, email etc.
- Each team will be allocated a unique team number when you register. You must enter this team number the first time you sign in to your team. The team number or the
team's unique email address together with your password must be used to sign in each time before making any changes to the strikers in your team.
How We Use Your Email Address
- The only personal data you register with us is your email address. We will use this to communicate with you when you register to play our games.
- We will send emails to your email address when you request them in the following ways: to send you a reminder to change your selected strikers each game Week if you requested one;
to send you a password reminder whenever you request one; to send you emails relating to supplying your prize whenever you exchange prize tokens for an actual prize.
- We will also send you unrequested emails if we need too communicate urgent information to you about playing any of our games. This may be a general email to all players or, if the issue only affects
a limited number of teams, it could be just to those specific teams involved
- By signing up for this season you also agree that we may contact you about signing up when registration opens for next season. This will just be a single email reminder to players who had an active team
which took part in the Golden Boot Game during the previous season.
- Prizes are awarded in the form of prize tokens which can be exchanged for various prizes at any time after they are awarded.
- Under no circumstances will we ever substitute cash, goods or services for any of the the prizes offered in the Golden Boot game.
- Many of our prizes are in the form of vouchers. These are only valid in the UK and have other terms and conditions attached.
It is the prize winner's responsibility to read the terms and conditions associated with the specific vouchers they choose in exchange for their prize tokens.
- Although we can often send vouchers by email we reserve the right to send them by post where that is convenient for us. To receive vouchers by post you will need to supply a mailing address.
- We reserve the right to withhold prizes if a player has not complied with these terms or the rules of the game. In general we will supply the withheld prize once the player is fully compliant.
- Prize tokens are strictly not transferable between players. However, players with more than one team may assign one of their teams to manage prize tokens
for all of their teams
- The Controllers reserve the right to vary the number and value of prizes offered for all Goal Den games as they deem necessary especially, but not exclusively,
in response to actions by third parties.
- Further details of how prize tokens are awarded and the prizes available when they are exchanged can be found on our Prizes page.